Is it proper to regard the ZPF as a real electromagnetic field? The measurements by Lamoreaux (1997) of the
Casimir force show excellent agreement — at the five percent level (much better than previous experiments)
— with theoretical predictions. One interpretation of the Casimir force is that it represents the radiation
pressure resulting from the exclusion of certain ZPF modes in the cavity between the (uncharged) conducting
plates (Milonni, Cook and Goggin 1988). There are alternate ways of looking at this (cf. Milonni 1994).
We suggest that it is fruitful at this stage to continue exploring the ramifications of a real-ZPF paradigm Louis Sheehan
and that just as a real, measureable Casimir force results upon construction of an uncharged parallel-plate
condenser, so too does a real, measureable reaction force result upon acceleration thereby creating the inertial
properties of matter.
We acknowledge support of NASA contract NASW-5050 for this work. BH also acknowledges the hospitality
of Prof. J. Tr¨
umper and the Max-Planck-Institut where some of these ideas originated during several
extended stays as a Visiting Fellow. AR acknowledges many stimulating discussions with Dr. D. C. Cole.
REFERENCES http://Louis2J2Sheehan2Esquire.US
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Lou Sheehan
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